Privacy and Cookies



The GDPR is the new law for the protection of privacy and personal data. In addition to this general law, specific rules apply to privacy in healthcare, as outlined in the Medical Treatment Agreement Act (WGBO). This privacy statement informs you about your rights and our obligations under the GDPR and WGBO.


For effective treatment, it is necessary for Favorite Fuel to maintain a record. This is also a legal requirement imposed by the WGBO. The record contains information about your health and details of the conducted examinations and treatments. By scheduling a consultation with Favorite Fuel, it is assumed that you agree to this privacy statement.

Furthermore, personal data is necessary to initiate treatment and for the financial settlement thereof. Processing may also be necessary for legal obligations, such as mandatory reporting of a contagious disease under the Public Health Act. The dossier may also include data necessary for treatment and, with explicit consent, obtained from other healthcare providers, such as the general practitioner.

Favorite Fuel is responsible for the processing of personal data within the practice, as per the GDPR.

What data do we collect?

  • Name, address, and residence
  • Gender
  • Date of birth
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Medical information
  • General practitioner

In addition, we create a healthcare invoice containing personal data.

Why are your data collected?

  • Your data, whether anonymized or not, is collected for specific purposes: healthcare provision, peer review, and support for scientific research, education, and information.
  • Favorite Fuel treats your personal and medical data confidentially and diligently, safeguarding them against unauthorized access. The treating physician is the sole entity with access to the data, and a legal duty of confidentiality (professional secrecy) is also maintained.
  • Client dossier data is retained for the required 15 years, as mandated by the law on the treatment agreement.

Security of Personal Data

All personal data managed by Favorite Fuel is secured with a password. The devices accessing your data are individually locked with a password and/or fingerprint. Access to your data is restricted to only the necessary devices.

Are data disclosed to third parties?

Disclosure of your personal data to third parties only occurs with your written consent. However, there are exceptions. Based on a legal provision, the healthcare provider's duty of confidentiality may be broken, as well as when there is a feared serious danger to your health or that of others.

Access and Transfer of Dossier

You have the right to access and transfer your dossier. If you wish to exercise this right, you can communicate this via email to Favorite Fuel.

Questions or Complaints?

If you have any questions or complaints, especially regarding data sharing or our handling of your personal and medical data, Favorite Fuel is open to discussions. If this does not lead to a satisfactory resolution, you have the right to file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority.


On the Favorite Fuel website, personal data is collected through the contact form. The requested data is for scheduling an appointment or answering a posed question. These data are not shared with third parties.

Your name and email address are added to the newsletter mailing list when you engage or have engaged in a service with Favorite Fuel. Newsletters are sent using Mailchimp, and your data is stored indefinitely. You can unsubscribe at any time via the link at the bottom of the newsletters.

The Favorite Fuel website uses cookies to enhance the website. This is done with Google Analytics, and the data is anonymous and not tied to your personal information. Examples include information such as the duration of website visits or frequently visited pages.